Since we're not public yet there's only local test traffic on our 
installation. We've found that after a period of inactivity (first thing 
in the morning, for example) the system is unresponsive. The browser's 
progress bar spins and after anywhere from five to twenty minutes the page 
will come up. After that first page the system behaves normally. Using 
Manakin, both the /jspui and the /xmlui sides showed the same problem, but 
independently -- one might hang while the other didn't, or sometimes 
neither would respond. 

As an experiment I wrote a Perl script that requested each front page (the 
/xmlui and the /jspui) every five minutes. With that running for a few 
days, the system remained responsive all the time. When I turned it off, 
the problem returned. 

We're running 1.5 with Oracle on VMWare. That's more than enough in the 
way of complications, I know -- but does anyone have any thoughts on where 
to look next? 

Tom McGee
Seton Hall University TLTC
973 761 9000 x5021
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