Hi Jewel

The other consideration relates to the port 8080 part of your URL. If
you want to get rid of this then you need to have your Apache HTTPD
server use something like mod_proxy_ajp to redirect (configurably) port
80 requests to port 8080 (I think that's what it does in my simple terms
- hey, I'm no sys admin). A sample setup would be (in

LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so

ProxyPass       /things/you/don't/want/redirected    !
ProxyPass       /       ajp://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse        /       ajp://localhost:8009/

(8009 is the AJP connector port).

The other thing we do slightly differently is redirect tomcat's ROOT
webapp to dspace using a symlink:

ln -s /tomcat/home/webapps/ROOT /your/dspace/installation/webapps/jspui

Obviously, replace "jspui" with "xmlui" if you are using the manakin

I hope this is of some assistance.

Kind regards

Gary Browne
Development Programmer
Library IT Services
University of Sydney
ph: 9351-5946

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jewel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, 30 November 2008 9:16 AM
> To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Dspace-tech] Changing default url
> Hello,
> I have tried to locate if there are any instructions on how 
> to change the default url that is given when installing Dspace. 
> I have Dspace running on:
> Windows Server 2003
> Tomcat Version 6.0.18
> Dspace version 1.5.1. 
> After everything is setup the url is as follows:
> http://www.mydomain.com:8080/jspui/
> Am I able to change this url to be? What options to do I have?
> http://www.mydomain.com
> I am not sure how tomcat and Dspace work together in terms of 
> directory structure.
> Thanks!
> Jewel
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