
I have some questions about DSpace and Shibboleth.

I try to map the dspace-jspui to the ROOT of the tomcat.
In the apache mod_proxy I map / to localhost:8009.

Now I have the problem, that the Shibboleth endpoint can not be found.

How do you manage it? Did you use /jspui as start URL?

Second question:
Can I switch of the self-registration using jspui?
I only want to give people access, who use Shibboleth.

Third question:
Can I use a targetedID instead of the mail-address for Shibboleth?
But how can I add the email address direct in DSpace when using shibboleth?

and last question ;-)
When will be the shibboleth patch for DSpace 1.5.1 available?



Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Lienhard
UB Universität Freiburg
Dezernat EDV
Tel: (0761) 203-3908

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