Andrew Marlow wrote:
> Your web site is great. Yes, the subject hierachy you have is the sort 
> of thing I am after.  I did not see the traditional breadcums that show 
> the hierarchy though. You have opted for saying 'broader' or 'narrower' 
> classification.

Yes, because LC subject headings doesn't represent a traditional
hierarchy, but more of a conceptual network.  That is, there's more
than one "broader term" in use for many terms, so there's no
canonical hierarchy to hang bread crumbs off of (unlike DDC,
LC call numbers, or UDC).

To see a clearer example of the complexity involved,
look at "Information storage and retrieval systems",
which I have a subject map for at
storage and retrieval systems

Here, notice that there are multiple broader, narrower, and related terms;
no single thing "above" it in a breadcrumb hierarchy.  (Instead, you
can go up whichever route you choose.)

> Is your system based on DSpace? You mentioned having to do some 
> non-trivial programming. If your system is DSpace-based will you be able 
> to contribute the code back to DSpace?

It's not DSpace based.  It's currently a Perl library drawing on some
somewhat out of date metadata for the LC subject headings taxonomy local
to Penn.  I'm considering porting the subject mapping library to Java, though,
for some other developments, which could in theory make it usable by Dspace
if interest warrants.  (Or if anyone else wants to work on this, I can
point folks to downloadable XML versions of the LC subject headings
conceptual network.)


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