
I was following the wiki instruction on how to build DSpace 1.5.1 but
came across this issue:

Reactor Summary:
DSpace Addon Modules .................................. SUCCESS [0.957s]
DSpace XML-UI (Manakin) :: Web Application ............ FAILED [1.117s]
DSpace LNI :: Web Application ......................... NOT BUILT
DSpace OAI :: Web Application ......................... NOT BUILT
DSpace JSP-UI :: Web Application ...................... NOT BUILT
DSpace SWORD :: Web Application ....................... NOT BUILT
DSpace Assembly and Configuration ..................... NOT BUILT
[ERROR]Transitive dependency resolution for scope: compile has failed
for your project.
[ERROR]Error message: No versions are present in the repository for
the artifact with a range [,
[ERROR]  org.dspace:dspace-api-lang:jar:null
[ERROR]from the specified remote repositories:
[ERROR]  central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2),
[ERROR]  maven.dspace.org/snapshot (http://maven.dspace.org/snapshot)
[ERROR]Path to dependency:
[ERROR]        1) org.dspace.modules:xmlui:war:1.5.1
[ERROR]        2) org.dspace:dspace-xmlui-api:jar:1.5.1
[ERROR]Group-Id: org.dspace.modules
[ERROR]Artifact-Id: xmlui
[ERROR]Version: 1.5.1
[ERROR]From file: C:\DSpace1.5.1\dspace-1_5_1\dspace\modules\xmlui\pom.xml

any help would be much appreciated.

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