Hi, I'm following these IDE Integration instructions from the wiki:


I've configured things up to the step labeled "Configure Eclipse Tomcat
Integration". I am using the "one-big-project" approach. I have
configured a Maven task called "DSpace Assemble", and have set up a
parameter in that task, for dspace.config, which is set to
"${workspace_loc:/mospace/myconfig/dspace.cfg}". I have configured the
project's tomcat properties to set the webapp root to

All goes well with the build process (maven builds successfully).
However, when I attempt to start Tomcat, I receive the following error:

FATAL: Can't load configuration: file:/C:/Program Files/Apache Software
Foundation/Tomcat 5.5/${dspace.dir}/config/dspace.cfg

Clearly the instructions as to where to find the dspace.cfg file are not
being conveyed to Tomcat.

I suspect I've missed a detail somewhere, but I've been over the
instructions several times, and am at a loss.

When I encountered this problem a few months ago, I made the decision to
simply follow the normal two-step mvn package && ant update process.
Which works just fine. It made for slow developing, but I *was* able to
test my changes in my development environment.

However, my work on our repository theme is mostly done, and I am now
going to be doing more detailed work. I'd really like to get things
working as described on the wiki... mainly to speed up the testing cycle
(not having to "deploy" using ant), but also to have the wonderful
debugging tools available to me, should I need to modify any Java code.

So, if anyone has set up a similar Eclipse development environment, and
has it working so that you just have to package with maven, and can use
dspace/target/dspace-1.5.1-build.dir/webapps/xmlui (or any other module,
for that matter) as the tomcat webapp root.... I'd LOVE to hear from
you. Thanks!

HARDY POTTINGER <pottinge...@umsystem.edu>
University of Missouri Library Systems
"No matter how far down the wrong road you've gone,
turn back." --Turkish proverb

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