** with apologies for cross-posting **

DSUG Gothenburg 09: Call for Proposals

DSpace User Group Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 14-16, 2009

We are happy to invite the DSpace user community for a meeting that will 
bring together the international community. Representing one of the most 
successful open source platforms within academia with more than 500 
installations worldwide, the aim is to share experiences from users, 
administrators and developers and to discuss the further possibilities 
for DSpace.

The Program Committee of the DSUG 2009 invites you to submit proposals 
and posters in all areas relevant to the use of DSpace.

Suggested and example topics
• DSpace extensions developed within the community
• Utilization of statistics and metrics for your repository
• Interoperability: among repositories, with other systems, with the Web
• Incorporating video and audio in your repository
• Value added services for your DSpace repository
• Managing and integrating workflows (ETDs)
• Increasing searching, promotion and visibility through data mining or 
other means
• Object reuse and exchange (OAI-ORE)
• Digital preservation environments, policies and issues
• Lessons learned upgrading to 1.5
• Use of DSpace outside of a traditional IR

Important deadlines
2009-06-01: Submission of Proposals
2009-06-30: Notification of acceptance, Proposals

2009-08-15: Submission of Posters and Demonstrations
2009-09-01: Notification of acceptance, Posters and Demonstrations

2009-10-14 – 2009-10-16: User Group Meeting

Author guidelines
Proposals are invited for the following categories:
Presentation (Title and abstract)
Tutorial (Title and abstract)
Workshop (Title and abstract)
Poster (Title and abstract)
Demonstration (Title)

Abstracts max of 500 words.
Submission details at: http://dsug09.ub.gu.se/

Contact details
Gothenburg University Library
+46 31 7864422

Jonas Gilbert
FM bibliotekarie / MLIS Librarian
Digitala biblioteket / Digital library
Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek / Gothenburg University Library
Box 222, SE 405 30 Göteborg, SWEDEN
Tel: +46 (0)31 7864422
Mobile: +46 (0)708474214

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