Hi, we are currently running DSpace 1.5.1 (release install, not source)
in production, with Oracle as our back end. A message thread from March
25, 2008 to the dspace-tech list identifies the same problem we're
having (Oracle doesn't support PostgrSQL's ILIKE operator), and posts a
solution (DB-agnostic SQL replacement for the ILIKE operator). I also
see that SVN commit 2870, also made on March 25, asserts to solve this

However, in our experience, running 1.5.1, we still see this error. A
recap: in the XMLUI, when one clicks the
"People" link under "Access Control", the following exception is thrown:

  java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00920: invalid relational operator

if you look in the trace, the source of the exception is:

  at org.dspace.eperson.EPerson.searchResultCount(EPerson.java:326)

So, my question is, did SVN commit 2870 get rolled back before 1.5.1 was

To work around this issue, we've been using the JSPUI as an admin
interface. Which actually is going to come in handy since we're in the
process of implementing the Minho stats add-on, and that only supports a
JSPUI interface. However, it has always bugged me that a big part of the
XMLUI admin interface just dies whenever we try to use it.

Are there any other institutions running DSpace and using Oracle for a
back end that have noticed this behavior? What was your solution?

HARDY POTTINGER <pottinge...@umsystem.edu>
University of Missouri Library Systems
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turn back." --Turkish proverb

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