Hi Carlos,

The following links will help you install your LDAP certificate locally:



The 'authentication.x509.keystore' are for a different authentication method so 
will not be used.


Stuart Lewis
Digital Services Programmer
Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph: 64 9 373-7599 x81928

-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Testera González [mailto:carlos.test...@unileon.es] 
Sent: Monday, 15 June 2009 11:43 p.m.
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Dspace-tech] Problems with ldaps

Hello everyone.
I'm new to the list, so forgive me if this has been already answered.
I have a new DSpace 1.5.2 installation that works ok under Tomcat 6.0.18 
and Java 1.6 all running in a Red Hat Linux. We're still in the test 
stage and one of the steps is authentication. We have a LDAP server to 
authenticate against. I've made all the changes in order to enable LDAP 
authentication and it also works ok. The problem arises when I try to 
make the authentication secure, that is, throught LDAPS.
We have a self signed certificate in the ldap server. I have imported 
that certificate to a keystore in the machine that is running the 
DSpace. This is my configuration (only what I think that affects to this 
issue). Remember that with "normal" ldap (not ldaps) it works properly, 
under xmlui and jspui.

ldap.provider_url = ldaps://ldap.my.organization.es/
....   (all the ldap configuration in order to work)

plugin.sequence.org.dspace.authenticate.AuthenticationMethod = \
    org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication, \
    org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPHierarchicalAuthentication, \

authentication.x509.keystore.path = /path/to/mykeystore
authentication.x509.keystore.password = keystore_password
(I've also made tests with authentication.x509.ca.cert = /path/to/cacert)

authentication.x509.autoregister = true

I always get the same error:

2009-06-15 13:28:36,065 INFO  
org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPHierarchicalAuthentication @ 
trivial auth of user=the_user
2009-06-15 13:28:36,172 WARN  
org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPHierarchicalAuthentication @ 
javax.naming.CommunicationException\colon; simple bind failed\colon; 
ldap.my.organization.es\colon;636 [Root exception is 
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException\colon; PKIX path building 
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException\colon; unable 
to find valid certification path to requested target]
2009-06-15 13:28:36,172 INFO  
org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPHierarchicalAuthentication @ 
DN found for user the_user
2009-06-15 13:28:36,173 INFO  
org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication @ 
password auth of user=the_user
2009-06-15 13:28:36,175 INFO  org.dspace.app.webui.servlet.LDAPServlet @ 

I think that the "unable to find valid certification path to requested 
target" sentence is the most significant, but all the paths are ok. I 
don't know what more to try.
Some help would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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