OK, this is a strange one. I just completed a pretty difficult upgrade of our 
DSpace instance from 1.4.2 to 1.5.2 and everything was working pretty well. I 
guess it still is. You can see the result here:


My big outstanding issue came after I rebooted the server to give it one last 
kick of the tires before calling the whole thing done. After the reboot, 
everything came back up, but the Java process that is the Handle Server (the 
thing that knows to serve up http://dlynx.rhodes.edu/jspui/handle/10267/2423 
when you hit http://hdl.handle.net/10267/2423 to view an object) has stayed at 
100% CPU.

Oddly, during the process of getting the 1.5.2 dspace.cfg correct, I was 
restarting Tomcat and the handle process over and over again, and the handle 
process never did this 100% CPU usage thing. Only after I shutdown the machine 
and cold-started it did this 100% CPU issue appear with the handle process.

Currently, if I kill the process and then restart it using our standard 
/archive/dspace/bin/start-handle-server it will race up to 100% and stay there. 
While the high CPU usage is a concern, it doesn't appear to affect the 
resolution of handles or DSpace or anything else, other than just the 
unnecessary CPU cycle. I can find nothing in any of the logs (handle server, 
tomcat, or DSpace) that would give a clue as to what is going on.

Here is what the handle processes look like with the ps command:

[...@dam ~]$ ps -ef | grep handle
dam       3669     1  0 17:25 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh 
/archive/dspace/bin/dsru                                   n 
-Ddspace.log.init.disable=true -Dlog4j.configuration=log4j-handle-plugin.prope  
                                 rties net.handle.server.Main 
dam       3679  3669 99 17:25 ?        00:07:20 java -Xmx512M -Xms64M 
-Dfile.enc                                   oding=UTF-8 -classpath 
                                   space/config -Ddspace.log.init.disable=true 
lugin.properties net.handle.server.Main /archive/dspace/handle-server
dam       4682  4647  0 17:33 pts/1    00:00:00 grep handle
[...@dam ~]$

I think we are running version 6.2.5_02 of the handle server.

Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Any clues as for what could be causing 
it or how to fix it?

BTW, are others occasionally getting a "dspace.org This site is down for 
maintenance. Please check back again soon" message when going to 
http://www.dspace.org ? The wiki appears to be up and fine, but the main 
website gives this message quite a bit, at least today and yesterday.

Stacy Pennington
Rhodes College
(901) 843-3968

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