
We did modify the CSS quite a bit, but manually entered descriptions come
across just fine.  If nothing seems obvious to you, then I will experiment
on my test server to see if I can figure this out.

> Hi George,
> That issues was just for XMLUI. JSPUI should work fine.
> Have you modified much of your DSpace installation? It seems strange that
> it
> must be accepting the description OK as you see it in the edit view, but
> not
> in the normal viewing mode.
> Thanks,
> Stuart Lewis
> IT Innovations Analyst and Developer
> Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
> Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
> Ph: 64 9 373-7599 x81928
> On 2/09/09 9:12 AM, "George Kozak" <> wrote:
>> Stuart:
>> No, I am using JSPUI.  Is this patch specific to XMLUI or does it also
>> apply
>> to JSPUI?
>> Stuart Lewis wrote:
>>> Hi George,
>>>> I am having a problem with batch loading descriptions with my
>>>> bitstreams.
>>>> In the contents file I have "file.pdf\tdescription:File description"
>>>> When I do the import, it works fine, but when I view the item display,
>>>> the description does not appear.  If I go to the Admin function and
>>>> bring up the item under "Edit", I see the description, but it doesn't
>>>> appear on the item display.
>>>> Am I doing something wrong?
>>> Are you using XMLUI? See:
>>>  -
>>> This has been included in the upcoming 1.6 release.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stuart Lewis
>>> IT Innovations Analyst and Developer
>>> Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
>>> Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
>>> Ph: 64 9 373-7599 x81928

George Kozak
Programmer/Analyst Specialist
Division of Library Information Technologies (DLIT), Digital Media Group
501 Olin Library
Cornell University 14853

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