I've configured & tested openldap on my ubuntu system & ldapsearch all
works as expected.
The problem is that our Active Directory has a rather unusual setup.
Basically the person "object" has a CN of
CN=David Wynne xxxxxxxxxxx
where xxxxxxxxxx is the number on my id card. I've seen a couple of
posts about DSpace & AD where:
ldap.id_field = sAMAccountName
ldap.id_field = CN
But using JExplorer if I do a search on:
sAMAccountName=username,.ou=People, dc=jmu. dc=ac. dc=uk
CN=username,.ou=People, dc=jmu. dc=ac. dc=uk
I dont get any results, but if I do a search on:
ou=People, dc=jmu. dc=ac. dc=uk
with a filter of :
I get the right person object.
In terms of the dspace.cfg file can this be done ? Or do I need to patch
the DSpace java files ?
At the moment in ther dspace.log file:
2009-10-15 13:27:53,489 INFO
tion @
5:auth:attempting trivial auth of user=cmsdwynn
2009-10-15 13:27:53,493 WARN
@ :session_id=116B1778D9539B1DDC5B49BF0820463B:internal_error:-- URL
Was: http:/
-- Method: POST
-- Parameters were:
-- login_email: "cmsdwynn"
-- login_password: *not logged*
-- login_submit: "Log In"
I'm guessing that the NullPointer is because the person "object" is
Many Thanks
Dave Wynne
Senior Technical Officer
School of Computing and Maths
Liverpool John Moores University
Byrom Street
Liverpool L2 2AF
E-Mail: d.wy...@ljmu.ac.uk

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