Fellow DSpace Techs -

I'm attempting to get the embargo patch working against a fresh installation of dspace 1.5.2 per the instructions available at the following URL:

Despite my best efforts, I am not able to set this up successfully. After installing and looking at the results the symptoms are as follows:
1) Visual - I see inline bullet points but no text associated with them.
2) XHTML - yields the code listed below for each community/collection:

<!-- External Metadata URL: cocoon://metadata/handle/{community number}/{collection number}/mets.xml? sections=dmdSec,fileSec&fileGrpTypes=THUMBNAIL-->
<li class="ds-artifact-item {even/odd}" />

3) JSPUI - shows up as expected with all communities / collections listed.

It feels as though the xmlui portion of the patch is not being applied properly. This is just a guess, but an educated one in that the jspui works fine after the fresh install with the patch and sql schema patch applied, whereas the xmlui does not. However, patching the code does yield a several results as far as files patched which have "xmlui" as a directory in the patched files' paths.

To make this even stranger an issue, I would swear that the first time I tried doing a fresh install with the embargo patch, that it did actually work. I say this because I was able to navigate to an embargo tab using the administration user.

As another significant note, I also tried installing a fresh instance, replacing the database with an instance of a production dspace (1.5.2) database (vast amounts of data), then amending the database schema for that database instance with the code included in the embargo patch. The same results occurred. The JSPUI showed the content as expected, but the xhtml code was full of empty <li/> elements, one for each of the communities/collections that should have been display but were not from the xmlui.

Any tips, hints, or suggestions on this issue would greatly be appreciated!

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Étienne
Systems Analyst
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
email: patrick.etie...@library.gatech.edu
phone: 404.385.8121

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