Hello, All~

I am attempting to setup the CNRI handle server on our DSpace installation, but I've hit a glitch. I have two problems. First, all new submissions are assigned a handle with a space in it. (i.e. "10575 /371"). Second, I can't seem to use the well-formed handle urls to access items (i.e. http://hdl.handle.net/10575/305 does not return me to http://dspace.nacs.uci.edu/xmlui/handle/10575/305).

What I've done so far:

  1. Run the Simple Setup
  2. Registered with CNRI, obtained a prefix
  3. Updated the dspace.config to include the new handle
  4. Update the handle-server/config.dct to add in the handle prefix,
     and the storage_type and storage_class.
  5. Run start-handle-server (at first, there were a few errors, but
     now it's clean)
     "2009/11/19 09:41:53 PST" 25 Started new run.
     "2009/11/19 09:41:53 PST" 50 unspecified max_handlers count, using
     default: 200
     "2009/11/19 09:41:53 PST" 50 unspecified max_handlers count, using
     default: 200
     "2009/11/19 09:41:53 PST" 50 unspecified max_handlers count, using
     default: 200
     Saving global values to: /home/dspace/.handle/root_info
  6. Updated the existing prefixes (the update doesn't insert a space
     after the naming authority)
  7. Verified there is only one instance of the handle-server running,
     using ps -ef | grep handle

I'm hoping there is a relatively straightforward answer... Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!


DSpace Version: 1.5.1
Handle Version: 6.2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Caryn Neiswender
Digital Projects Specialist
UC Irvine Libraries

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