On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 5:47 AM, Joseph Greene <joseph.gre...@ucd.ie> wrote:

> Maybe not the best place to post this query in terms of Brand Loyalty, but I
> wonder has anyone successfully moved their repository from DSpace to Fedora,
> or know of successful moves to Fedora?

We're planning such a move, but mostly haven't gotten down to brass tacks yet.

 The big questions I'm interested in
> knowing more about include:
> How you moved the objects and their metadata (and which metadata)

What I'm planning to do is export by collection. The Dublin Core can
then be translated to FOXML via either XSLT or Python or (more likely)
both. Bibliographic-style metadata can go into (mostly) MODS; there
will be some wrinkles because of custom metadata (ETD-MS, a few other
fields added for specific clientele), but on the whole, I don't expect
this to be horrendously difficult.

We do not plan to respect the DSpace content model, particularly. It
makes more sense to us to translate it into the content models we're
developing in Fedora for the digital-library side of the house.

A few of our DSpace collections will want special handling, either
because Fedora can do a better job of relating files and objects to
each other than DSpace can, or (in one case) because it's an HTML
collection that really should be treated as a straight-up image
collection. I'll deal with those case-by-case; I don't have so many
oddball DSpace collections that it will be onerous.

> How you built the workflow system

We're in the requirements-gathering and mocking-up-via-XForms phase of
this effort; we expect a lot of this work to be custom. In my opinion,
those who don't have serious development talent in-house would be
well-advised to look at RODA, Fez, Muradora, or Islandora. (We do
expect to use Islandora or something Islandora-ish as well, to connect
to various Drupal installations around campus. The SWORD protocol also
interests us from a middleware perspective, of course.)

If you're doing ETDs, you may want to watch for the release of OpenETD
at Rutgers -- we certainly are. If it does just *half* of what they're
saying it does, it's a huge win.

> How you built the public user interface

That's ongoing also, and is deriving more from the digital-library
than the IR side of the house. This is fine with me; our
digital-library materials cover 90-95% of what I would like to see the
IR do as well as or better than DSpace does.

We haven't entirely sorted out what we're going to do with the DSpace
communities-and-collections structure. Much of it can be jettisoned,
thankfully, but the current thinking is that we will need some way to
do mini-portals and/or individualized collections because we are a
consortial outfit.

Good luck with your migration, and let's both document what we do, to
help others on the same path!


Dorothea Salo                ds...@library.wisc.edu
Digital Repository Librarian      AIM: mindsatuw
University of Wisconsin
Rm 218, Memorial Library
(608) 262-5493

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