Hi Bojan

What are your plans for maintaining the rest project? I'm happy to help out where I can, I'm not a Java programmer by trade but I can have my Java programmers review code and add/update source when/where required.

I understand you've had problems with testing in the past, and while our current rest requirements are certainly not taxing, they should provide a good real-world test of the module as we begin to rely more on rest to interrogate DSpace data. Additionally, our implementations will be released under an open source license so others can build upon our code if they wish (or at least use it as an example and implement their own).

One area I can help with is documentation, whether it is code examples in a wiki or proofing source descriptions.



On 26/03/10 03:39, Stuart Lewis wrote:
Hi Bojan,

I have tested it and resolved issues/errors found at this time, however,
I think this code hasn't been checked or tested extensively by community
so this contributed to the fact that the code is not yet included in the
distribution. During development we issued several calls on the dev list
asking for feature suggestions etc but not much interest has been raised.
Unfortunately that is one of the joys / pains of being a community developed 
open source project. The amount of effort that we have varies considerably over 
time, as do people's interest.

However, a year on, there is a lot more interest from a larger group of people 
to see a RESTful API for DSpace, so we would love to see it developed to a 
point where we can include it as part of the core product. So I suspect this 
year there will likely be a lot more interest from the community and wider 
mentoring group. We're also likely to request less GSoC students this year, as 
we recognize that we have perhaps spread ourselves too thinly in the past, and 
we're actively recruiting more mentors to ensure that there is a small team of 
mentors for each project rather than just one or two.

Anyways, I was thinking to apply to GSoC/DSpace again. If there is
interest and need in community (mentors, new ideas wrt additional
requirements/changes/...) I could continue with this code or apply for
other subproject.
Speaking purely for myself, although I'm sure others would agree, we'd love to 
have you apply again, and carry on with the project. The timing of GSoC is 
likely going to fit well with our next release (1.7), so we can actively work 
towards getting the project included as part of that. If the API itself gets 
finished earlier than the end of GSoC, it would be good to start writing some 
example applications that make use of the API, or rewrite some current 
components that would be better broken away from talking to the dspace-api core 
directly, and go via the API.


Stuart Lewis
IT Innovations Analyst and Developer
Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph: 64 9 373-7599 x81928

Hayden Young
Managing Director
Wijiti Pty Ltd
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