Hi everyone.

When we try to submiit an item to a collection in 1.6 version, we follow all
the steps and everything seems to be ok but after the proccess is complete,
no item appears in the collection. Checking the logs I've found this:

2010-05-04 09:47:09,550 ERROR org.dspace.browse.
BrowseCreateDAOPostgres @ caught exception:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: inserción o actualización en la
tabla «bi_2_dmap» viola la llave foránea «bi_2_dmap_distinct_id_fkey»
  Detail: La llave (distinct_id)=(193) no está presente en la tabla

that in English is something like:

Insertion or update on relation "bi_2_dmap"  violates foreign key
"bi_2_dmap_distinct_id_fkey". Detail: The key (distinct_id)=(193) is not
present in the relation "bi_2_dis"

Any suggestion??

Thank's all
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