I've had the same problem... well still do... But someone told me that the 
google crawlers are causing the problem... He was right. After blocking all the 
crawlers the problems stopped... but so as the indexing my site by google. So 
i've had to create a less restrictive robots.txt. Here is the configuration: 

# Uncomment the following line ONLY if sitemaps.org or HTML sitemaps are used
# and you have verified that your site is being indexed correctly.

User-agent: Googlebot

Disallow: /browse

Disallow: /bitstream
Disallow: /browse
Disallow: /browse-date
#Disallow: /community-list
#Disallow: /handle
Disallow: /html
Disallow: /htmlmap
Disallow: /browse-*
Disallow: /items-by-author*
Disallow: /advanced-search
Disallow: /contact
Disallow: /feedback
Disallow: /forgot
Disallow: /login
Disallow: /register
Disallow: /search

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

So I'm blocking all the crawlers except google (with some exceptions).

Well... this does not do the trick.

My site is still crashing.
So an alternative answer would be needed, a core tweaking one!

Any help is highly appreciated

I'm having a similar issue,
It happens sporadically. The interface of Dspce XMLUI shows a blank screen and 
I need to reboot Tomcat.
JSPUI The interface is not affected by the issue.

I'm using version 1.6.0 of DSpace. I use a theme based on the theme "Reference" 
which comes in DSpace.

The version of tomcat is "apache-tomcat-6.0.18" and the JDK is "jdk1.6.0_13" on 
Debian GNU Linux 5.0.

I heve opend the issue DS-605 on http://jira.dspace.org/.
Would anyone have any ideas?

Antero Neto

[Dspace-tech] FW: xmlui interface giving a blank page

Tue, 30 Mar 2010 01:39:40 -0700

Mon, 29 Mar 2010 01:50:44 -0700



I am experimenting with dspace 1.6.0 with the intention of upgrading my
dspace 1.5.2 to this latest release.  I have successfully installed dspace
1.6.0 on Fedora 8. I can access the  jspui interface.However, when I try to
access the xmlui, I got a blank page. No errors. Here is the contents of my
xmlui.xconf  ( I have omiited the comments)






        <aspect name="Artifact Browser"
path="resource://aspects/ArtifactBrowser/" />

        <aspect name="Administration"
path="resource://aspects/Administrative/" />

        <aspect name="E-Person" path="resource://aspects/EPerson/" />

        <aspect name="Submission and Workflow"
path="resource://aspects/Submission/" />

        <aspect name="Statistics" path="resource://aspects/Statistics/" />


            This aspect tests the various possible DRI features,

            it helps a theme developer create themes


        <!-- <aspect name="XML Tests" path="resource://aspects/XMLTest/"/>






        <!-- Example configuration -->


        <!-- <theme name="Test Theme 1" handle="123456789/1"
path="theme1/"/>    -->

        <!-- <theme name="Test Theme 2" regex="community-list"
path="theme2/"/> -->


        <!-- Default theme -->

       <!-- <theme name="Default Reference Theme" regex=".*"
path="Reference/" /> -->


        <!-- Classic theme, inspired by the JSP UI -->

        <theme name="Classic" regex=".*" path="Classic/" />


        <!-- Table based browse display -->

        <!-- <theme name="Table Theme" regex=".*" path="TableTheme/" /> -->





I am relatively new to xmlui interface as I have been using the jspui


I will appreciate any pointer to the problem


Kind Regards,


Admire Mutsikiwa (Mr)

ICT Projects Manager

Library IT

University of Zimbabwe 





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