Hi Reinhard,
I too am working on this.
You can use the "metadataStorage" facility already in place in the SORL statistics dspace engine.
You need to add some configuration to you dspace.cfg
event.dispatcher.default.consumers = *solrstat, *search, browse, eperson

# consumer to maintain the solr statistics metadata storage and parents mapping event.consumer.solrstat.class = org.dspace.statistics.StatisticsLoggingConsumer event.consumer.solrstat.filters = Item+Delete|Modify|Modify_Metadata:Collection+Add|Remove

solr.metadata.item.1 = contributor:dc.contributor.*
solr.metadata.item.2 = dctype:dc.type.*

the first part (before the :) is the name of the solr field where the metadata values will be stored. You need to add to the schema.xml the new fields (and for any one an additional _search field), ie

<field name="contributor" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/> <field name="contributor_search" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/> <field name="dctype" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/> <field name="dctype_search" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>

restart tomcat and start to collect statistics.
If you edit some metadata of an item with usage data already collected they will be updated with the new fields. If you want update all the solr usage data document you could take a look at the StatisticsLoggingConsumer class in org.dspace.statistics (make a script that simulate a modify_metadata event on all items).

I know that there are some issues in the metadataStorage, btw it doesn't work with metadata without qualified (ie dc.type) and it doesn't take care of authority key if present. I will send a bug/improvement report on jira as soon as possible with the needed patch (I already have it applied on my source, I only need to extract and post it... sorry to be so lazy)

Il 04/08/2010 21:21, Reinhard Engels ha scritto:
Hi all,

We recently upgraded to 1.6 -- so far so good -- but still have a few
questions about how the SOLR usage statistics work and can be

We'd like to generate bitstream download counts by author, keyword,
and other fields.

But it doesn't look like any of that information is currently included
in the SOLR index (at least, it certainly isn't for the historical
dspace.log data).

I'm assuming it's going to require some custom coding to massage
SORL/generate these reports, but just wanted to double check before I
start reinventing wheels.

Also, I'd initially assumed that the community and collection counts
were aggregations of the number of item hits within each community or
collection, but it looks like they're just hit counts to the
community/collections home pages. Is that accurate?

Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this!

Reinhard Engels

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