I have noticed some oddities in the statistics I just imported into
SOLR.  I hesitate to compare results from Google Analytics to SOLR but
these are the only tools to which I have access.  Here are a few of
the oddities that I have noticed so far (from the same item in both
reporting tools):

- Google shows no hits from Korea, SOLR shows Korea as the country
with the second highest number of hits.
- Google shows the country with the second highest number of hits is
Taiwan, but Taiwan doesn't even register in SOLR.
- All SOLR records that show "Unknown Country" also show a blank row
with the same number of hits under "Top cities".

How do I verify that hits attributed to Korea are not actually coming
from Taiwan?  Any idea what's going on with with the blank City row
with hits that match "Unknown Country?"

A related issue is granularity of geographic results.  For instance,
"Clichy" shows up in many of our records, which I assume refers to the
suburb of Paris.  Has anyone tried replacing GeoLiteCity with
GeoIPCity?  If so, did you get noticeably more accurate geographic
results?  And what changes were required to get GeoIPCity to work with

Other than these issues, I am EXTREMELY happy with the SOLR approach
to statistics.  If I can resolve these issues, I think our faculty
will be very pleased.


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