Hi Stuart,
Thanks for the information!
Our library is interested in depositing license restricted materials for some 
departments and intends to open certain documents only to certain groups and 
make them full text searchable to those groups. How will the license/access 
restriction affect full text indexing? (Is DSpace a fit system for this 
I saw your jspui example of full text search results highlighting, will the 
full text configuration patch work for xmlui as well? If it'll be built into 
future release, which version will it be included possibly?

Thank you for your time to look at the questions!
Metadata Librarian 

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Lewis [mailto:s.le...@auckland.ac.nz] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 7:14 PM
To: Deng, Sai
Cc: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] DSpace searches within documents?

Hi Sophie,

> We are looking for systems which have full text search capability and access 
> control (we already have DSpace). 
> I always thought DSpace only searches metadata, but I saw a wiki page showing 
> how to configure full text indexing. However, I haven't seen any DSpace 
> instance which shows the full text search results as I would see from vendor 
> databases. How does the DSpace full text search look like? Will it meet the 
> expectation of search within documents?

Full-text indexing and searching of PDFs / HTML docs / Word docs is available 
within DSpace.  If you run the following script, it will generate these indexes:

 - http://www.dspace.org/1_6_2Documentation/ch08.html#N1605F
 - [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media

The current version of DSpace does not show snippets of text in the search 
results to indicate where in the full text the search string was found.  This 
is possible, and we have an open ticket in our development tracking system to 
address this: https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-172


Stuart Lewis
IT Innovations Analyst and Developer
Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph: +64 (0)9 373 7599 x81928

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