Hello Stephen,

Am 10.12.2010 14:12, schrieb Btri Consulting:
> With regard to (a), is there any documentation you can point me to that might
> help me with this customization?
There is no special documentation for this, just take a look at the 
this can server as a template

> With regard to (b), I have already successfully customized and used the
> collection-specific input form. Where I have the problem is in editing the
> metadata for an item after it has been submitted. The Edit Item uses the 
> default
> metadata form and not my customized input form. I wanted to know whether there
> was a way to get the Edit to use a customized form.
No there is no way (unless you develop one yourself) to use a customized 
form during edit. The configurable forms are only for the submission 

Claudia Jürgen

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