I was very happy to bumb into this thread. I am experiencing the same
problems as Jason was experiencing. I checked on my solr.log.server in the
dspace.cfg file. It was set to  ${dspace.baseUrl}/solr/statistics and I
modified it to  http://localhost:8080/solr/statistics as directed below. I
rebuild dspace (mvn  package) and them run ant update. When I point my
browser to http://ir.uz.ac.zw:8080/solr/statistics, I get a HTTP Status 403-
description Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden. Iam at a
loss as to where I am getting it wrong.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Nugent [mailto:jnug...@unb.ca] 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 3:57 PM
To: DSpace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] statistics generation question

Hi Stuart,

I've tracked down what my issue was.  SOLR was properly deployed, but the
1.6.0 dspace.cfg file appeared to default to the baseUrl property, not
localhost:8080, so my instance was bumping into the
LocalHostRestrictionFilter.enabled property, which is not disabled by
default in the web.xml file that ships with the webapp.

solr.log.server = ${dspace.baseUrl}/solr/statistics

With that filter in place, anything other than localhost for a domain will
fail silently.  I haven't checked to see if this is still the case in newer
DSpace releases.



On 2010-12-09, at 5:00 PM, Stuart Lewis wrote:

> Hi Jason,
> In 1.6+ there are two forms of statistics.  There is the 'classic'
statistics that used to be there and continues to be, and the new 'solr'
> The classic statistics are available from /statistics and are generated
nightly from your dspace.log files.
> The solr statistics rely on a new webapp being deployed.  The solr webapp
needs to be deployed, and is configured in dspace.cfg: 
> - solr.log.server = http://localhost:8080/solr/statistics
> This collects events 'as they happen', and logs them into a solr index in
real-time so that the statics are always up to date.  It is these statistics
that are shown on the community / collection / item pages.  The solr stats
also perform other tasks that Minho stats provided, such as logging of the
geographical location of the visits.
> I hope this helps,
> Stuart Lewis
> IT Innovations Analyst and Developer
> Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
> Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
> Ph: +64 (0)9 373 7599 x81928
> On 10/12/2010, at 8:04 AM, Jason Nugent wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am curious about the stats reporting in DSpace 1.6.x.  I'm running  a
1.6.0 installation and I've noticed that the general stats pages do have
stats, but if I drill down into a particular collection at a particular
handle, I also have a statistics link that points to a URL with a handle in
it.  Clicking that link gives me a Manakin themed page which is empty.
>> My top level pages do show stats, and I can browse by month without
>> Is this simply a UI issue and that link shouldn't exist? maybe a relative
path to "statistics" instead of an absolute one to the top of my DSpace
installation?  Bug in the UI, maybe?  Here's an example of that:
>> http://dspace.hil.unb.ca:8080/handle/1882/38
>> The link in the lower right (you'd need to log in to see it) points to
>> http://dspace.hil.unb.ca:8080/handle/1882/38/statistics 
>> which doesn't seem right.
>> My./stats-* report generation tools run just fine.
>> Also, I was wondering if the add-on for statistics, originally created by
the University of Minho, will ever be updated for newer versions?  Has
anyone looked at creating a Manakin-compatible stats addon?
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> ---------------------
>> Programmer/Analyst
>> University of New Brunswick Libraries
>> jnug...@unb.ca
>> (506) 447 3177
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