   I use harvester of dspace 1.7 to get content from another dspace instance.  
I have some questions:
1. Can I get the intermediate resource map of ore?
   The manual says:
# The webapp responsible for minting the URIs for ORE Resource Maps.
# If using oai, the dspace.oai.uri config value must be set.
# The URIs gklenerated for ORE ReMs follow the following convention for both 
# format: [baseURI]/metadata/handle/[theHandle]/ore.xml
# Default value is oai
# ore.authoritative.source = oai
    I tried 
    or http://localhost:8080/oai/metadata/handle/123456789/5/ore.xml
    But get errors. Can anyone give me a example?

2.  After harvesting, I have to restart tomcat, or I can't see the harvested 
results. why?
3.  If I want to harvest from another collection, for example, change from  
hdl_123456789_5 to hdl_123456789_3, why it says: not updated.

    Something wrong? 


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