Hi folks,

I discovered that the folowing problem is cased by the package "ant-optinal" with is not installed in my CentOS (version 5.4). Does anyone know how to install it? The yum command can't find it.


Em 18-01-2011 18:23, Bruno Bernardes escreveu:
Hi all,

After the file dspace.cfg was configured, the command "mvn package" ended well and when I executed the command "ant fresh_install", I received the error below:

/.../..../.../dspace/target/dspace-1.5.2-build.dir/build.xml:88: No supported regular expression matcher found

At the line 88 of the build.xml I have the folowing lines:

<loadproperties srcFile="${config}">
<regexp pattern="^\s*dspace\.dir\s+" />

The "config"  variable at line 88 is well defined.

Any help or idea will be very  appreciated,

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