Elliot (et al),

Many thanks for the reply. You might have to say that I am both using and
not using Eclipse, though the part where I am may be interfering with the
part where I am not. I'm attempting to setup both a local development
environment through Eclipse as well as a non-Eclipse (command-line) setup to
mimic the development and production servers that my system administrator
has setup (in effort to learn how best to streamline workflow for
maintaining multiple instances).

I'm going to briefly describe my setup in hopes that providing the info will
help narrow down the difficulty (though it may just be trying to use Eclipse
in tandem with the command line).

Using Eclipse, I create a new (generic) project from svn and download the
source to (rather than the regular workspace directory) my /usr/local/src
directory (One-Big-Project approach, which may be a problem). From there
I'll follow as updated instructions as I can from the Eclipse / DSpace setup
wiki entry (including "Enabled Nested Modules"). From here I have all the
other required dspace tools installed and the dspace.cfg configured etc. At
this point I try running a Maven goal on the source directory as a test (mvn
clean, for instance). I'll try running this same goal several ways, here are
the results:

Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - Embedded Maven 3.0.2 - Fails
Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - External 3.0.2 - Fails
Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) - External 2.2.1 - Succeeds
Command Line - 3.0.2 - Fails
Command Line - 2.2.1 - Succeeds

My question at this point would be, is there something inherently different
about downloading from svn to my source directory using the command line vs.
performing the same operation through project creation from svn within
Eclipse? Would attempting to "Enable Dependency Management" in Eclipse (or
some other operation within the Eclipse / DSpace setup
taint the files in my source directory to the effect of having a Maven goal
fail when run via the command line? All failures are the same error message.

One significant thing I found interesting is that setting up one project per
DSpace module would alleviate the "referencing the same module within
multiple pom.xml files" problem (I think), due to them being separate
projects rather than one big project. I did see that m2eclipse is behaving
differently in the eclipse GUI due to some Eclipse API changes in 3.6 (run
configurations, etc). I didn't realize that "Enable Nested Modules" wasn't
supported in later versions, that may be the deal right there. As a general
public FYI, it seems that m2eclipse (or like functionality) has been slated
for core integration in 3.7 (due out June 22nd). That could be interesting.

I think I'm going to try setting up DSpace from scratch all via command line
into a different location, but I have the feeling that I'll still hit the
same error.

Elliot, again thanks for the reply. This has given me good food for thought
and a way to continue trouble shooting. Cheers mate!

If anyone else happens to have experience with similar issues, any tips or
suggestions would be appreciated.

 - Patrick E.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 10:43 AM, edawson <edaw...@maf.org> wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> Are you using Eclipse? I was getting very similar errors when I didn’t have
> my projects set up correctly. I never had any trouble using Maven 3.02 via
> command line. With a bit of searching I found out it looks like the Maven
> option to “Enable Nested Modules” isn’t supported in the later versions of
> m2eclipse. So I set up one project per DSpace module and it all seemed to
> work. The m2eclipse dependency management then was able to correctly
> identify the modules as separate Java projects. I hope this helps (obviously
> not if you’re not using eclipse).
> Elliot

> *From:* Patrick Etienne [via DSpace] [mailto:[hidden 
> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3339268&i=0&by-user=t>]
> *Sent:* Monday, March 07, 2011 7:57 AM
> *To:* Elliot Dawson
> *Subject:* DSpace 1.7.0 & Maven 3.0.2 - DuplicateProjectException /
> Missing pom.xml properties
> DSpace Techies and Devs -
> I wanted to see whether anyone had had success setting up DSpace 1.7.0
> using Maven 3.0.2. I ask because I'm attempting to put together a guide /
> tutorial / how-to for establishing a solid and streamlined workflow for
> maintaining multiple development and production dspace environments (we have
> a grant project where we will be hosting several institutions' dspace
> repositories).
> To make a long story short, it seems as though installation works fine on
> maven 2.2.1 but fails on 3.0.2 with the following [ERROR]:
> "*Two or more projects in the reactor have the same identifier, please
> make sure that <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version> is unique for each project:
> * (...)"
> (goes on to list all dspace maven projects)
> In effort to investigate the problem, I put together a google 
> spreadsheet<https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AgxlFEYcNkPzdC13N3V1cXdPdDRuYWdWRVJWTFo4Q0E&hl=en&authkey=CNqj2pAG>listing
>  all the dspace maven project pom.xml files as well as (manually
> checking their) <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version> strings. Unfortunately (or
> fortunately?) there were no duplicate project identifiers. However, after
> some more searching I found that it's likely *not a problem with an actual
> duplicate project identifier* as much as it is having *two pom.xml files
> referencing the same maven <module/>*. There's information on the net
> about possibly changing this error message so it better reflects the actual
> cause of the problem (jira over at 
> Sonatype<https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/TYCHO-531>),
> but I couldn't find a maven specific bug report. Note, the bug would only be
> about the information the error message provides; referencing the same maven
> <module/> from two different pom.xml files is still a valid problem (or so
> it seems) in 3.0.2
> Specifically, the two pom.xml files that seem to be contributing to the
> problem are the {dspace-1.7.0-src-release}/pom.xml and the
> {dspace-1.7.0-src-release}/dspace/pom.xml. Both files make references to the
> following project <modules/>:
> dspace-ap
> dspace-stats
> dspace-discovery
> dspace-oai
> dspace-jspui
> dspace-sword
> dspace-xmlui
> dspace-lni
> This is probably a good point at which to say that I'm not terribly
> familiar with maven. I'm not sure why exactly it seems to be within spec to
> reference the same <module/> with two different pom.xml files within 2.2.1
> but not with 3.0.2. However, it does seem to be the source of the error I
> listed above (or at least, from what I can tell). If anyone has any tips,
> hints, resources, or suggestions related to getting maven 3.0.2 to play nice
> with dspace (or vice-versa) please let me know!
>  - Patrick E.
> --
> Patrick K. Etienne
> Systems Analyst
> Georgia Institute of Technology
> Library & Information Center
> (404) 385-8121
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
> This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
> its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
> solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
> This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
> its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
> solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
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Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
DSpace-tech mailing list

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