Dave and Pete,

In addition to the default handle identifier, you can use an alternate
metadata field as the unique identifier for your updates by using the -i flag.
From the docs:

|-i|or|--itemidentifier| Specifies an alternate metadata field (not a handle) used to hold an identifier used to match the DSpace item with that in the archive. If omitted, the item handle is expected to be located in the|dc.identifier.uri|field. (Optional)

No other metadata field is required in the dublin_core.xml file if you are just 
doing bitstreams.
The documentation seems to have been reduced from the original.


Hi David,

Had to do this myself recently - used the following in dublin_core.xml:

<dublin_core schema="dc">
  <dcvalue element="identifier"

With the command:

/dspace171/bin/dspace itemupdate -ep...@example.org  -s
archive_directory -A

Regards Pete

On Thu, 2011-05-12 at 16:05 +0000, Isaak, David C wrote:


I am a repository manager currently running version 1.7.1.  I have successfully used the Item 
Importer feature before with my files in DSpace's>>simple archive format, but now for the 
first time I would like to use the Item Update feature to just add bitstreams to my metadata only 
records.>>It is not entirely clear to me from the manual (section 9.5) what needs to be 
included in the dublin_core.xml file in this scenario.  Since I am not>>adding new 
metadata, is all that is needed the id and collection tags?

Thanks in advance,

David Isaak
Digital Projects Librarian
Center for Health Research
Kaiser Permanente
3800 N. Interstate Ave.
Portland Oregon, 97227
503.335.2437 (tie-line 60-2437)

William Hays
Software Development&  Analysis
MIT Libraries E25-131
617.324.5682 (phone)

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