Thank you, Peter, Stuart, Andrea, Alex -
So it sounds like it comes down to how much RAM is available on our

We're going to try 1000, and see how it goes, as we are still on a
development server for just this kind of reason.  We are looking at
correcting a very large batch of records (retrospective ETDs) before we go
live, so this is kind of exceptional..but looking forward, I can see we'll
have to be correcting/recompiling regularly.  I'm still kind of new, so if
anyone has any advice/warnings about doing regular batch corrections as a
regular thing, I'd be glad to hear it.

How do you handle updates and recompiling? Quarterly?  After hours?
Thanks everyone,
Irene Berry, MLIS
Digital Services Librarian
Dudley Knox Library, Naval Postgraduate School


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