
I recently implemented authority control on dc.contributor.author and generally 
it seems to work well.  However, there is one issue which may or may not be a 
bug in the implementation or in the Mirage theme choice-support.js script.  
When a value is *not found* in the authority and the user selects to use the 
value anyway, the system sets the confidence value to the constant for 
"accepted" rather than "not found".  I can read some ambiguity in the 
 and source code regarding the "correct" answer -- I.e., in a sense the value 
is "accepted" as is by an authoritative interactive user, but it's also "not 
found" in the authority data source.  In any case, we would like in this 
instance for the confidence level to be set to "not found" in order to 
distinguish it from values that are found in the authority data source.  So, I 
guess the question to the list is: Is the behavior we are observing correct by 


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