On 7 September 2011 15:44, Sean Carte <sean.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not 100% sure, but from what I recall, DSpace tries to determine the
>> geo data on the moment the usage event occurs. If it can't retrieve the geo
>> date (country, city, longitude, lattitude, ...), it will still store the
>> usage event, but without this data. However, it should keep the IP in there.
> That's really odd then: all the visits are resolved to specific countries.
> Does DSpace know what country and city I'm in and report all local IP
> addresses accordingly? I'll experiment to determine this one way or another.

Looking at a particular item, this is what statistics reports initially:

Mergers and managers : what’s needed for both to work?  661

Clicking View/Open using a browser on a local network:

2011-09-08 10:21:30,600 INFO
org.dspace.usage.LoggerUsageEventListener @

Clicking View/Open using a browser on a remote network:

2011-09-08 10:31:02,695 INFO
org.dspace.usage.LoggerUsageEventListener @
2011-09-08 10:31:03,293 ERROR org.dspace.statistics.SolrLogger @
Failed DNS Lookup for IP:

Stats unchanged:
Mergers and managers : what’s needed for both to work?  661

Later from home and another network:

Mergers and managers : what’s needed for both to work?  663

2011-09-08 17:41:24,473 INFO
org.dspace.usage.LoggerUsageEventListener @

Mergers and managers : what’s needed for both to work?  663

But it does look like my two earlier views of the document got added.


And today the statistics show another visit:

Mergers and managers : what’s needed for both to work?  664

Checking the log confirms that there were only my three downloads of the file:

root@ir:~# grep bitstream_id=2664 /dspace/log/dspace.log.2011-09-08
2011-09-08 10:21:30,600 INFO
org.dspace.usage.LoggerUsageEventListener @
2011-09-08 10:31:02,695 INFO
org.dspace.usage.LoggerUsageEventListener @
2011-09-08 17:41:24,473 INFO
org.dspace.usage.LoggerUsageEventListener @

... and there's nothing in the 2011-09-09 log.

And all this leads me to conclude that DSpace does not differentiate
between local network access and remote. But also that I have to wait
a while for the data to be presented in the statistics page. There
must be some background process doing this?

The 'Top country views' remains unchanged. This must be because DSpace
was unable to resolve any of my IP addresses. Fair enough. That all
makes sense.

Sean Carte
esAL Library Systems Manager
+27 72 898 8775
+27 31 373 2490
fax: 0866741254

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