
Creating private Collections where the contents cannot be searched or
browsed is not possible at this time. The Search and Browse indexes
are not sophisticated enough to filter the search based on user


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:10 AM, Miguel A. Robledo
<marobl...@santafe.gov.ar> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> In my organization need some private collections. My intention is restrict
> access to many searches. You can apply this kind of restrictions on one or a
> set of collections?
> It is possible apply to certain items in a collection?
> What do you recommend?
> --
> Ing. Miguel A. Robledo
> Dirección Provincial de Gobierno Digital
> Tucuman 2657 1º Piso - Santa Fe
> Teléfono: 0342-4508704
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Esperantolaan 4, Heverlee 3001, Belgium

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