We try to enable multilingualism in DSpace 1.7.2 (JDK 6, Apache Tomcat 7.0)
for Greek (ISO el) and it is impossible to find the translation file that is
built-in with this version of DSpace.
I've made a search for a message_el.properties file but there were no
results. The only greek I get is in messages_el.xml for XMLUI.

For this reason, I tried to translate the original message.properties file
for greek, place it to the
copied the file also in Tomcat but there were no changes in the Greek text.
Does anyone know:
a) where i can find the file for the translation that I see (when I enable
webui.supported.locales = en, el)

b) how can I edit it

c) if there is no such a translation why my code in the created
file-message_el.properties is not read by the system

Thank you all in advance,

Vera Kriezi
Technical Services of
Music Library "Lilian Voudouri"
Athens, Greece

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