On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 13:33, Joseph Greene <joseph.gre...@ucd.ie> wrote:
> I understand that Manakin is the default user interface from 1.5 forward,

Both JSPUI and XMLUI (Manakin) are available and supported.
Technically, there's no default, you always choose which one you use.

Subjectively, XMLUI gets most development these days (like Discovery)
but most features are available for both interfaces.

> can anyone tell me if that means that the codebase is managed by the DSpace
> community/Duraspace? Was TDL -- who is it now?
> http://www.tdl.org/about-tdl/projects/#manakin

That's right, it's community and Duraspace, more specifically a group
of DSpace commiters from instututions around the world.
If you're asking about XMLUI, it's been contributed to the same
codebase, it's not developed separately.

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