Greetings DSpace Techies,

I've been working recently with jQuery for some transition effects on one
of our dspace instances and had a couple of questions I wanted to ask
mainly for verification purposes.

The first thing I've noticed is an apparent difference between the
inclusion of javascript files between Mirage based themes and other themes.
Specifically, that with non-Mirage themes the inclusion seems to occur
within the sitemap.xmap file for the theme, but with Mirage-based themes
the jQueryUI and Modernizr files are added within the <head/> section of
the page-structure.xsl. I'm new to Modernizr and wanted to make sure that
the method of inclusion wouldn't have any effect on potential
functionality. I don't think that it would, but wanted to ask
(documentation on the Modernizr site seems to indicate that as long as it's
in the head and posted after the css file references, things should work

The second thing is that for 1.7.2 and 1.8.0 it seems as though a
customized (and minimized) jQueryUI file is included but there is no jQuery
file. I had thought that perhaps the jQueryUI file also included the
requisite jQuery class(es) but unless I specifically download and add a
reference for a current version of jQuery, the jQueryUI file throws an
error which states that the jQuery class is not defined. Instructions on
the dspace 
that: "jQuery and jQueryUI are included by default" but again, I've been
unable to find jQuery included anywhere and can only resolve the "jQuery
class is undefined" error by adding my own copy/reference.

I just wanted to check on these things and see whether there was something
I was missing. Many thanks for any tips or hints.

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121
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