I'm trying to script a daily incremental dump using the packager.
Sometimes it completes, but most often it throws "PSQLException: An I/O
error occurred while sending to the backend" caused by
"java.net.SocketException: Socket closed".  About the same time
PostgreSQL logs "unexpected EOF on client connection" and tears down
its session.  I turned logging way up on both ends but saw nothing
unusual on the DSpace side and only the unexpected EOF on the Pg side.

Digging through the Pg log, I see lots of these unexpected EOFs.
Apparently the webapp is getting this too but takes it in stride.
Commandline app.s seem to be less fortunate.

I captured a packet trace while running my script and can see that the
client is chugging along, making requests and getting responses, then
suddenly the client sends a TCP FIN, ACK packet and that's the end of
that.  No Pg shutdown message was sent, so far as I can tell, and
that's why Pg says "unexpected EOF".  After fairly rapid exchanges
there's a pause of about 0.8 seconds between the previous packet
(client ACKing the server's last response) and the FIN.

The Pg backend is v9.0.5.  This DSpace instance is v1.7.2.  OS is
Gentoo Linux x86 with all current userspace updates and kernel
2.6.39.  JRE is Oracle (Sun) 1.6.0_29-b11.  Ideas for debugging this?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of 
discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging model 
of a cloud services business. Read Now!
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