Hi Peter, thanks for your reply.

Actually I could never make those parameters work in the catalina.sh  
file. I tried a lot. Finally today after days of trying I managed to  
do some trickery to make them work inside the /etc/init.d/tomcat   
script from the OS (Debian). I know it's not elegant and I'll have to  
take note of it for future tomcat upgrades but that's the only way I  
got it to work. I used JAVA_OPTS as well. Are these parameters too  
much for the mere 3 GB or RAM in this server? (there's a memory  
upgrade coming soon)

-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m

I'm thinking in the worst case both max heap and max perm will go high  
enough to reach 2 GB leaving 1 extra GB for the other services of the  

Also, is it too much load to have, say, 8 dspace jspui apps? Currently  
we have 4 working, and in the next year will probably reach to 6.

About the multiple tomcat installs... that sounds very interesting.  
How could I manage to do that? If I install from debian repository, I  
wouldn't be able to install twice unless I use a different  version,  

                            Martín Musacchio
                     Centro de Telemática - UNL
       Pje. Martinez 2652 - S3002AAB Santa Fe - Argentina
            tel +54(342)455-4245 - FAX +54(342)457-1240

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