Hi everyone 
     Shanu and Oscar thank you for your help. But I am still facing the same 
My configuration is 
enable = true
provider_url = ldap://<serverdnsname:389/>
id_field= sAMAccountName
object_context = dc=negst,dc=net
search_context = dc=negst,dc=net
email_filed = mail
surname_field = sn
givenname_field = givenName
phone_field = telephoneNumber
===== Hierarchical LDAP settings =======
search_scope = 2
search.user = cn=<bind-user>,ou=PSA,OU=AIUU,dc=negst,dc=net
search.password= <bind-userpassword>
netid_email_domain = @<emaildomain>
and this is what I have in authentication.cfg file
plugin.sequence.org.dspace.authenticate.AuthenticationMethod = \
    org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication, \
I am using stackable authentication. The PasswordAuthentication is working 
because I am able to log in using the username I created during the 
The last dspace log shows 
<datetime>44,016 WARN org.dspace.app.webui.servelet.InternalErrorServlet @ 
:session_id=B8EC2A1DA78C76068AFDB5516957AADD:internal_error:-- URL Was: 
Method: POST
Parameters were:
submit: "Register"
email: ""
netid: "LDAPusername"
password: <LDAPuserpassword>
step: "1"

Below is the error I get when I try to register

Internal System Error
The system has experienced an internal error. Please try to do what you were 
doing again, and if the problem persists, please contact us so we can fix the 

Do you have any idea what the problem could be? What do you login with (UPN, 
domain\sAMAccountName, or just sAMAccountName)? I have tried all. Am I missing 

Thanks again. I appreciate your help.

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