On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 12:00 PM, amutsikiwa <amutsik...@uzlib.uz.ac.zw> wrote:
> I am interested in uploading and displaying the Author's passport sized
> photo together with an article.  I will appreciate any help.

Hi Admire,

in current versions of DSpace, you could enable thumbnails in
dspace.cfg (webui.browse.thumbnail.show = true and/or
webui.item.thumbnail.show = true) and upload that picture as a
thumbnail in the THUMBNAIL bundle of each item.

Of course, that has the disadvantage of duplicated images. This might
be resolved in the next DSpace version if this code [1] makes it in -
it will allow you to have metadata on authors, not just items. So you
could store the photos just once (inside or outside DSpace) and then
add the link as metadata to the author, which would be then be easy to
display. This is the approach I would take unless you need it right

And there's also a third option - you could store the pictures
somewhere (again, inside or outside DSpace) and then associate them
with the authors by name. The easiest thing would be to store the
picture as file with the author's name and then render the link like
this: <img src="/someplace/Author's Name.jpg" />. On the item/search
result's page, you could simply take the author's name and put it into
the URL. Of course, this makes it almost impossible (i.e. unless you
use auhtorities) to distinguish between two distinct authors with the
same name.

[1] https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/12


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