El 25/10/2012 23:51, Sarah Potvin escribió:
>   I'm curious about the possibility of storing (and then
> exporting) a fuller METS record with an item.

we made some testing about this issue in the past...
The  import package was a SIP structure, each directory formed by the 
bitstreams, the dublin-core.xml file, the mets.xml file and the content 
file. The content file  specified mets.xml ---> bundle: METADATA.
The import was made with the SIP importer, via the command:
(dspace_directory_path)/dspace import -a -e userxxx  -c 123456789/2479  
-s (source directory)/Prueba2 -m  (directory)\mapfile.txt er bitstrams

In this way, a normal import is made AND the original mets.xml is stored 
as another bitstream (in a differentiated bundle, not the ORIGINAL one)
We also found a reference to a not-so-usual, but very promising  
functionality in the dspace.cfg:

# Optionally you may configure Manakin to take advantage of metadata 
stored as a
# bitstream. These metadata files should be inside the "METADATA" bundle 
and named
# either MODS.xml or METS.xml. If either of the following options are 
turned on then
# these files will be made available to the theme when rendering an item.
xmlui.bitstream.mets = true

In this way, some sections (amdsec and filesec or structmap, i can't 
remenber)  of the Mets-file were rendered by the UI.. (the results were 
not optimal, in any case)

Sorry, we did not experiment with the exporting part...   you should try 
with Helix options

Best luck
Emilio Lorenzo

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