Forwarding to DSpace-tech mail list, at the suggestion of Helix84

On 1/16/13 4:10 PM, "Pottinger, Hardy J." <> wrote:

>Hi, I'm working on trying to find a solution for DS-1435
>( which is the bug preventing
>DSpace 3.0 from running with an Oracle database. I have added comments to
>the ticket to track my work. If anyone out there is also working on this
>bug, I urge you to share information in a comment on this ticket. Even
>something as simple as a confirmation that you, too, also cannot get
>DSpace 3.0 to work with an Oracle database, would be helpful.
>Also, if you're in a position to chip in a few cycles to try to work on
>this bug, Oracle makes a vbox image available here:
>And this image in particular could be very helpful, as it contains
>everything you'd need to get a dev instance of DSpace running, including a
>copy of Netbeans:
>University of Missouri Library Systems
>"Debug only code. Comments lie."

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