Hi David,

unfortunately, the order of values of a single metadata field is not
defined. That said, I didn't encounter a case where DSpace would not
preserve them in the order we put them in, but this can depend on
several things including the underlying database. So you can just
reply on that and see how it works out, but I wouldn't recommend it.

I think what I'd do is store an XML tree fragment with all the values
belonging together into a single metadata field, something like this:
<funder>The Funder</funder><grant-name>Grant
Of course, you can still put in multiple such metadata values in case
you have multiple funding sources.

Unfortunately you're not using XMLUI, but in XMLUI it's trivial to
extract and display the individual element values. In JSPUI, there
would be an extra step but I guess a clever JSP tag would do the


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