On Thu, Jun 06, 2013 at 05:51:42PM -0500, Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES] 
> 1.   In IPlanet, we've always used a single instance of the webserver, with 
> multiple virtual servers running under it and we plan to continue this 
> set-up.  IPlanet has a nice GUI web interface and it's always been easy to 
> set up and maintain these multiple instances.  Our question is this:  Is this 
> approach going to work for us with Apache Tomcat?  Would it be better for us 
> to use standalone Tomcat or the Apache webserver with a connector to Tomcat?  
> What do most DSpace installations use?  Any recommendations?  Also, is there 
> a GUI interface for Tomcat?

We have three DSpace instances running in separate virtual hosts
within a single Tomcat instance.  It works well.

We run Tomcat behind Apache HTTPD using the AJP connector.  We've used
both mod-jk and mod-proxy-ajp, and they both work well, but I prefer
mod-proxy-ajp because its configuration seems easier to understand.

There are several reasons to front-end Tomcat with HTTPD:

o  It's best to run Tomcat as non-root, which causes issues if you
   want to run on privileged ports such as 80 or 443.  Tomcat is set
   up to initialize listening sockets and then chuid, as a good daemon
   should, but this requires the use of jsvc (Commons Daemon) and for
   some reason neither the official Tomcat distribution* nor any OS
   distro I know of does it that way.  If privileged ports are
   important to you, proxying through HTTPD is a fairly simple way
   around this.

o  If you need fancy redirection, URL rewriting, rate-limiting,
   address- or DNS-based access control, or the like, you are likely
   to find that HTTPD (or a module thereof) does that but Tomcat
   doesn't, or that Tomcat's implementation is painful to use.

One has to trade these off against the risk of having two processes,
failure of either one of which would kill your site.  And the added
complexity of configuring two large, flexible services.

> 2.   Since we first implemented DSpace back in 2005, we've made a 
> considerable number of code customizations - most are presentation layer 
> (look and feel) changes including mandates for things we must have on 
> government web sites; and some are business logic changes. In the past, when 
> we have finished testing a new version of DSpace and begin our Production 
> implementation, we've always created a new directory for the source on the 
> Production server and then copied the source directory from Test to 
> Production.  We then make the dspace.cfg file changes, etc, etc., then 
> assemble and compile the application. So basically we are reinstalling DSpace 
> on the Production server.  I was asked if we could just copy over the 
> executable files to the Production server, for security reasons, and somehow 
> I'm thinking this would be difficult, if not impossible.  Has anyone done 
> this?  Thoughts?

There should be no problems with this.  The executables are Java
classes, and the local JVM is supposed to take care of all local
hardware issues.  IIRC the last time I migrated a DSpace instance I
mounted the old host's storage on the new host via NFS and used 'cpio'
to copy the executables and the assetstore across.  OTOH I'm not aware
of any such expectation for the database files so I always migrate
them using the DBMS' dump/restore tools across the network.

* I find this odd, since the Commons Daemon code originated in Tomcat
  and was spun off later.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Machines should not be friendly.  Machines should be obedient.

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