As it looks as not asked before...
have you reindex your content after have changed the discovery 
as you have noted the filter are index under a different SOLR field, in 
your case type

> <bean id="searchFilterType" 
> class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySearchFilter">
>         <property name="indexFieldName" value="type"/>
it is derived from your indexFieldName configuration.

The metadata are automatically indexed in discovery in the form 
schema.element.qualifier so it is right that you already have dc.type in 
your index but if have added the type searchFilter only recently it only 
affect items added or changed after this change.
Hope this help,

Il 07/08/2013 02:29, Andrea Schweer ha scritto:
> Hi,
> On 07/08/13 08:45, Alcides Carlos de Moraes Neto wrote:
>> Looking at the solr logs, i see that the discovery filter is passed to
>> SOLR as a parameter fq=type
>> <[*+TO+*]&fq=type:%28text%29>
> Hm. Discovery has changed between 1.8.2 (which I'm still using) and 3.x
> and this is getting into areas that I'm not familiar with.
> That filter query looks for a field with the name "type", not "dc.type".
> So I assume only 2189 of your items have that field.
> curl --globoff
> "[*+TO+*]";
> should verify that (by having numFound of 2189).
> That fields is created by Discovery based on the search filter settings,
> so I think you're right in that this has something to do with your
> custom search filter. However, your filter looks exactly like in the
> Discovery documentation, so I don't know what's going wrong. Could you try
> curl --globoff
> "[*+TO+*]+AND+dc.type:[*+TO+*]";
> This should give you 1 result that has no "type" field but a "dc.type"
> field in the discovery solr index. Then perhaps
> curl --globoff
> "[*+TO+*]+AND+dc.type:[*+TO+*]";
> to give you an item that has both "type" and "dc.type" in the discovery
> solr index. Then compare these two items and see if there is a pattern.
> Just a stab in the dark, perhaps there is a bug with discovery indexing
> for items with more than one value for dc.type?
> I suspect Kevin would be a good person to help troubleshoot this, but I
> don't know if he's following the mailing list at the moment. I'm cc'ing
> him in to increase the chances that he'll see this.
> cheers,
> Andrea

Andrea Bollini
Dipartimento Servizi e Soluzioni per l'Amministrazione Universitaria
Divisione Ricerca

Via dei Tizii, 6
00185 Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 44 486 087 - mob. +39 348 82 77 525

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