One more thing.  do this:

./dspace filter-media -h

and see what is avaialble.  I have version 3 so I'm not sure what is
in your version, but mine has these options, and one of them is to
index a particular item, so you could try that and see what happens.

 ./dspace filter-media -h
usage: MediaFilterManager

 -p,--plugins       ONLY run the specified Media Filter plugin(s)
                    listed from 'filter.plugins' in dspace.cfg.
                    Separate multiple with a comma (,)
                    (e.g. MediaFilterManager -p
                    "Word Text Extractor","PDF Text Extractor")
 -s,--skip          SKIP the bitstreams belonging to identifier
                    Separate multiple identifiers with a comma (,)
                    (e.g. MediaFilterManager -s
 -f,--force         force all bitstreams to be processed
 -h,--help          help
 -i,--identifier    ONLY process bitstreams belonging to identifier
 -m,--maximum       process no more than maximum items
 -n,--noindex       do NOT update the search index after filtering
 -q,--quiet         do not print anything except in the event of errors.
 -v,--verbose       print all extracted text and other details to STDOUT

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Jose Blanco <> wrote:
> Bill, When you go view an item as an admin, you should be able to see
> the txt file created based off the pdf file.  I suppose you can see
> these for the pdf files media-filter actually got to, but not to the
> others, right?  I also wonder if media filter chocked along the way,
> but you said you did not get any error messages.  What about in the
> logs? Look at some items as admin and see if this gives you any clue.
> -Jose
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Bill Tantzen <> wrote:
>> Still working on this media filter issue -- maybe this might point me in the
>> right direction:  how are bitstreams selected for filtering?  Is it
>> something like SELECT * FROM bitstream WHERE ???
>> What is in the WHERE clause?  Or is there some other basis for selection?
>> Thanks,
>> Bill
>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Bill Tantzen <> wrote:
>>> Here's a snip from my dspace.cfg:
>>> #Names of the enabled MediaFilter or FormatFilter plugins
>>> filter.plugins = \
>>>   PDF Text Extractor, \
>>>   PDF Thumbnail, \
>>>   HTML Text Extractor, \
>>>   Word Text Extractor, \
>>>   JPEG Thumbnail, \
>>>   Branded Preview JPEG, \
>>>   PowerPoint Text Extractor
>>> # [To enable Branded Preview]: remove last line above, and uncomment 2
>>> lines be\
>>> low
>>> #                        Word Text Extractor, JPEG Thumbnail, \
>>> #                        Branded Preview JPEG
>>> #Assign 'human-understandable' names to each filter
>>> = \
>>> = PDF Text Extractor, \
>>> = PDF Thumbnail, \
>>> = HTML Text Extractor, \
>>> = Word Text Extractor, \
>>> = JPEG Thumbnail, \
>>> = Branded Preview
>>> JPEG, \
>>> = PowerPoint Text Extractor
>>> Specifically, I *think* the pdf filter should be enabled...  As I said,
>>> the majority of the files are .pdf...
>>> Bill
>>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 2:00 PM, helix84 <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Bill,
>>>> check your configuration to see which media filters you actually have
>>>> enabled:
>>>> It's possible that you have only a mediafilter for one file type
>>>> enabled and thus it skips the majority of your files.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> ~~helix84
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