Hi Pablo,

you may want to check the following example:


In this example we create a virtual/static set based on filtering rules,
this set will expose all documents with Thesis on his dc.type field.
I think this may help, any doubts you have, just ask.


On 4 November 2013 19:49, Pablo Courault <pcoura...@unl.edu.ar> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need customize the xml output for the verb "ListSets" in a OAI-PMH
> Example, for the request :
> http://bibliotecavirtual.unl.edu.ar:8180/publicaciones-oai/request?verb=ListSets
> I need to change the standard output :
> <ListSets>
> <set>
> <setSpec>hdl_11185_7252</setSpec>
> <setName>El Paraninfo - Nº46</setName>
> </set>
> To some like this :
> <ListSets>
> <set>
> <setSpec>hdl_11185_7252</setSpec>
> <setName>El Paraninfo - Nº46</setName>
> <setSpec>SNRD</setSpec>
> <setName>Sistema Nacional de Repositorios Digitales</setName>
> </set>
> Adding another pair of <setSpec> and <setName> to implement selective
> harvesting.
> Somebody have any idea about how can i do this ?
> Thanks for your help !
> Lic. Pablo Courault
> Nuevos Desarrollos
> Centro de Telemática - Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Argentina
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