Hi again all --

  Any help with this?  

  To review, I posted a request in mid-September for a login 
banner, and got a nice reply from helix84 suggesting the template
solution below.  But, the template doesn't work -- it does present
the banner text on the LDAP log-in page, but it causes the "Sign in"
button to apparently hang -- with a bad username/password combination,
you don't even get an error, it just doesn't do anything.  

  I can't find any sensible errors, but I'd be happy to follow up on 
any diagnostic suggestions.

  I have done a bit more experimentation, I have duplicated the
problem on a stock "Mirage" template (the previous one had some
customizations, which I thought were irrelevant, but wanted to 
be sure). 

  I have also learned that the problem is apparently unrelated to
the content of the banner text, I can produce the problem even with
just the template "skeleton", with no <div> tags or text.

  At this point, I'm stumped. A fix for this, or alternative
banner strategies, would be most welcome!

                                        -- A.
On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 08:32:44PM -0500, Andrew Reid wrote:
>   Hi again all --
>   I've finally gotten to this, and it correctly inserts my text into
> the right page, but it seems to have the side-effect of breaking
> the LDAP log-ins -- when you hit the go button, it just hangs, with
> no obvious errors anywhere, even if you put obviously-wrong data into
> the username and password fields. 
>   It's highly reproducible, pulling the few lines of xsl restores
> functionality immediately.
>   I figure it's got to be bad placement of the div in the page, 
> viewing the HTML source shows that it looks like it's inside some
> form elements -- not in the <form> </form> group, but within the
> fields.
>   I am not wise in the ways of XSL -- can I do a better job
> protecting my text somehow?  And/or can someone provide a match rule
> that places the content differently on the page?  
>   Thanks in advance.
>                                       -- A.
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 09:28:48AM +0200, helix84 wrote:
> > Hi Andrew,
> > 
> > put this into your themes's xsl:
> > 
> > 
> > <xsl:template name="disable_front-page-search" 
> > match="dri:div[@id='aspect.eperson.LDAPLogin.div.login']">
> >     <xsl:apply-templates />
> >     <div>Your stuff goes here</div>
> > </xsl:template>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > ~~helix84
> > 
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> > 
> -- 
> Dr. Andrew C. E. Reid
> Physical Scientist, Computer Operations Administrator
> Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science
> National Institute of Standards and Technology, Mail Stop 8555
> Gaithersburg MD 20899 USA
> andrew.r...@nist.gov
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Dr. Andrew C. E. Reid
Physical Scientist, Computer Operations Administrator
Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Mail Stop 8555
Gaithersburg MD 20899 USA

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