
I want to know if I can add a group to be editor of a submission which 
has been saved before. Now, if you are doing a submission and you want 
to save&quit, this submission rest visible only for submitor (you). I 
would like to modify this and add a group which be able to see this 
interrupted submission and edit it. It's possible with DSpace 3.2?

Thanks in advance


       / /       Rubén Boada Navarrete
C E / S / C A   Tècnic de Portals i Repositoris
     /_/         Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) • 08034 Barcelona
T. 93 205 6464 (ext. 302) • F. 93 551 62 13 • rbo...@cesca.cat
Subscriu-te al butlletí (www.cesca.cat/butlleti)

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