On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Ioannis Damastianos Panagis
<ioannis.pana...@jur.ku.dk> wrote:
>>Take a look at this URL [1]
> The url: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/DRI/discover?query=test
> is giving me a resource not found.

If your DSpace XMLUI is accessible at http://localhost:8080/xmlui/ and
you have Discovery enabled, then that URL should be correct. Maybe the
problem is that you don't have Discovery enabled, which would be
consistent with /discover throwing a 404. Check that you went through
all the steps to enable Discovery [1] and that the /discover URL
works. Any search should take you to the /discover url if you have
Discovery enabled.

>         [dspace]/bin/dspace update-discovery-index -b

I'd think that would work, but better try "update-discovery-index -f"
just because that's what the upgrading docs recommend [2]. The
difference is described here [3].

[2] https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC3x/Upgrading+From+1.8.x+to+3.x


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