On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Nemiz, Elvi <esne...@seafdec.org.ph> wrote:
> In DSpace 4.0, how can I enable the query spell checking feature?
> https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-1683

Hi Elvi,

it seems we're currently missing documentation about this new feature
in 4.0, sorry about that.

However, it should be enabled by default, as you can see here:

This feature depends on the presence of a new field (a_spell) in the
Solr index, so it's likely that you'll need to
1) make sure you're using the updated schema from 4.0
([dspace]/solr/search/conf/schema.xml) - this usually happens during
"ant update", but it doesn't hurt do double-check; and
2) rebuild the Discovery index.
I'm not sure whether these steps are necessary, but it seems logical
and it won't hurt.


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