Hi Bram,

yesterday I tried at least 5 times and did not succeed. This morning I tried to 
reproduce it to get you the output of maven en ant, but now everything seems 
fine. Now the config directory also contain a dspace.cfg.old and a 
dspace.cfg.default, which did not occur yesterday.

This is what I did do yesterday and today.

I first ran a clean install, following instructions. That means, update 
build.properties, run mvn -Denv=local package from the [dspace-source]/dspace 
directory and ant fresh_install from 

Then I noticed that in the [dspace]/config directory the dspace.url points to 
the xmlui while we use the jspui. As build.properties sets only a few 
properties, and as the manual stills indicates the dspace.cfg source file to be 
the one in [dspace-source]/dspace/config I updated that one and followed the 
instructions in the manual. I only changed dspace.url.

*  The "source" file that is found in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg
*  The "runtime" file that is found in [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg
Always edit the source file, never the runtime file. To keep the two files in 
synchronization, you can edit your files in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/ and 
then you would run the following commands:
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/
mvn package
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-<version>-build.dir
ant update_configs

Yesterday this copied some directories into a new location (I installed into a 
subdirectory (d:/dspace/dspace32) and not the default /dspace) and it copied a 
default dspace.cfg with the default values.

Today everything went fine. I'll keep an eye on this. Our server is running on 
Linux, so I will perform a test upgrade on Linux as well. For now the problem 
seems to be solved.

Just to confirm. The file in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg does not 
get updated with the values you put into build.properties. These are only 
copied to the file in the target directory. The file in 
[dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg  contains default values and variables 
like dspace.dir = ${dspace.install.dir} . These can be left, but changes made 
to properties are copied over to the file in the target directory and will be 
copied over by ant into the [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg file.


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